- walking briskly for up to 40 to 60 minutes can help to prevent and control the high blood pressure .
- It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and help to manage the normal blood sugar levels in diabetic patients .
- It reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke .
- Walking lower the LDL ( Low Density Lipo protein )that is bad cholesterol and increase the HDL ( High Density Lipo protein ) that is good cholesterol .
- Regular walking can prevent and reduce the risk of dementia .
- It will improve the memory power and brain function .
- It helps to reduce the risk of arthritis and helps to maintain healthy joints .
- It helps to strengthen your bones and boost your vitamin D levels .
- It increases the blood circulation and increase oxygen supply to each and every cell in your body .
- It gives you better posture and over all fitness .
- A good and regular walk can help to strengthen your muscles and body .
- It slows down the aging process .
- It makes you happy and feel relaxed .
- It helps to reduce the risk of anxiety and depression .
- It helps reduce the mortality and improves the life expectancy .
- It helps to the proper functioning of endocrine glands like thyroid gland ,pituitary gland ,pancreas .
- It helps to improves the nerve system and reduce the risk neuropathy
- It helps to release the accumulation of gas in the body .
Walking is best exercise for maintaining over all health .
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