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Pudina is a tasty ,healthy ,edible,common ,nice green and perennial herb is simple to grow in any where . It grows faster ,up to 30 to 100 cm height .The binomial name of this mint is Mentha spicata . Pudina herb is well known throughout the world .It is native to Europe and South east Asia ,but has become naturalized in other parts of the world . Pudina leaves have a pleasant ,aromatic and,sweet flavour with a cool refreshing taste .Its curative properties have been known for over 2000 years .Mint leaves packed with lot of nutrients like calcium ,iron ,folic acid ,phosphorus ,magnesium , manganese ,protein ,dietary fiber ,carotene ,vitamin A ,vitamin B complex ,vitamin C ,antioxidants and phyto nutrients .There are many types of mints likes apple mint or pepper mint,water mint ,pineapple mint ,orange mint and spearmint .
Pudina is used for a variety of products such as tooth paste ,candies ,mouthwash ,liquor ,inhalers ,mouth fresheners ,chocolates ,chewing gums ,lipsticks , mint balms ,hair oils ,face wash ,flavouring agent ,and many cosmetic products .The fresh leaves of mint can be prepare tea ,soup ,juice,chutney and garnishing food items at home .There are lot of ayurvedic and herbal medicines that are manufactured by using mint leaves to prevent various disorders. .
- Drinking a pudina juice after a meal works as a natural medicine
for treating hyper acidity ,heart burn ,indigestion ,stomach pain ,stomach cramps ,diarrhea ,flatulence ,nausea and vomiting .
- It soothes the digestive system and cure all digestive problems .
- The recent study shown that the mint tea is very helpful for the treatment of hirsutism in women .
- Mint has high content of salicylic acid which helps in faster shedding of dull and dry skin ,which in turn helps to avoid clogging of pores resulting, glowing and pimple free skin .
- It prevents tooth decay ,beets bad breath ,kills bacteria in the month ,and keep your teeth and tongue clean because mint leaves are having anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties .
- It fight against cancer because of its anti oxidant property and perillyl alcohol the phyto nutrients present in it .
- Oil from puthina leaves is very useful for treating cough ,cold ,sinus ,throat ailments ,sprains ,muscle cramps and headaches .The strong and refreshing smell of mint acts as a quick remedy in reducing the headaches and cold symptoms .
- It is a very good appetizer because it is rich in aroma ,can activate the salivary glands and the digestive enzymes in our body .
- Mint scent is very effective for decongestant nose ,throat ,bronchi ,lungs and asthma .
- It stimulate the menstruation and induces sweating .
- It gives relief from insomnia ,dizziness and joint pain.
- It is very good for treatment acne ,boils ,and other allergic skin infections .
- It improves the immunity system of the body and eliminates toxins from the body .
Add this wonderful mint leaves on your regular diet .
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