Today is world heart day take the path to a healthy heart.Heart is one of the vital organ in our body it is so unique for its function .A organ weighed about 250 g -300 g like a human fist.A healthy life style will make your heart stronger. "SAVE YOUR HEART"through natural methods. -Have a heart friendly diet like fruits , vegetables ,whole grains,fish,unsaturated fats,limit sodium,fiber rich foods ,low fat diary products ,protein rich food like pulses. -Omega 3 fatty acids are good for our heart. -Be active,do brisk walking for 40 minutes or a regular moderate exercise it is the gift for our heart because it will keep our blood cholesterol,blood sugar and blood pressure in normal levels. -Be free from stress,anxiety ,anger , depression,loneliness because they are the enemies for our heart. -Avoid smoking,liquor and tobacco for healthy heart. -Happiness is the good mentor for our heart. Add your regular diet with food stuffs like spinach, drum stick...