The colorful food stuffs like fruits and vegetables are not only appetising but also it is very good for total health of our body.Each color is related to different phytochemicals that has more health benefits . Phytonutrients are super nutrients and disease fitting chemicals which are responsible for giving color to the fruits and vegetables .Flavonoids ,isoflavones ,carotenoids ,allylsulfidy and polyphenols are some phytochemicals present in the fruits and vegetables . Phytochemicals may strengthen the immune system of the body ,help your body against cancer,controls high blood pressure ,prevent aging ,improves memory power ,maintain normal weight of the body ,gives strong bones and teeth, it helps for good vision ,reduce the risk of type -2 diabetes , cholesterol ,cardiovascular diseases , stroke ,arthritis,psychological disorders ,and other infectious diseases. etc. The five color natural food groups are 1. Red color food stuffs. 2.Green color food...