Showing posts from January, 2018
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MUSTARD GREENS The tasty,spicy,mustard greens are the leaves of the mustard plant.It is originated in Himalayan region of India. It have been consumed for over 5000 years. Today India ,China,Nepal,and Japan are the leading producer of the mustard greens. Mustard greens are most pungent than closely related greens like kale cabbage and collard greens.Mustard greens are loaded with disease fighting Phytonutrients ,Vitamins like vitamin K,A,E.C,B 6 Copper,,Potassium,folates,iron,manganese,protein,carbohydrate,dietary fiber and antioxidants. Regular intake of mustard greens will helps to Prevent cell damage and DNA mutation detoxify the oxidative stress because of its antioxidant content. Detoxify the liver and blood. Lowers the blood cholesterol because of its high fiber content. Reduce obesity , Prevents cancer. Prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar levels. Prevent heart diseases. Slows down the aging process of...
பருக்களை போக்கும் திருநீற்றுப் பச்சிலை | Ocimum basilicum
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கலோரிகள் இல்லாத இனிப்பான மூலிகை சர்க்கரை துளசி (Stevia Rebaudiana)
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GYAN MUDRA Yogic Mudras are the part of yogic postures. Mudras or Gestures expresses and channelize the cosmic energy within the mind and body.Our body is made up of five elements like earth,water ,fire,air,and space. Our f ive fingers in hand is representing these elements,According to Pancha bootha thathuvam when these five elements are not in balance we will get various physical and psychological ailments. Gyan mudra or chin mudra is the best and simple yogic Hastha Mudra for increasing memory power.Gyan mudra is often used while doing meditations.It is an important Mudra for physical and mental health.In sanskrit language " chin" means consciousness , Mudra means "gesture". Method Of Doing Gyan Mudra Touch the tip of the thump to the tip of the index finger in both hands. Remaining 3 fingers should be stretched out Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes You can do it by sitting ,standing ,lying in the bed ,when ever where ever you get time....