Showing posts from January, 2017
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OLIVE LEAVES Olive leaves are the leaves of olive tree.Binomial name of this olive tree is " Olea europaea "belongs to the family of " Oleaceae ".It is an ever green tree native to Mediterranean countries,Asia and Africa The olive tree is the national tree of Palestine.The branches of the olive trees are present in the flag of United Nations and it represents the peace. Olive leaves contains lots of medicinal properties and curing abilities. In traditionally Olive leaves extract was first used for treating cold ,flu, malaria fever and also Mummyify pharohs in ancient Egypt. Olive leaves have been used in the human diet in form of extract,decoction,tea and powder. Olive leaves are silvery green leaves are measuring 4-10 cm long and 1-3 cm wide when consumed leaves have an astringent bitter taste. They leaves have antioxidant,anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial,anti hypertensive,anti inflammatory, hypocholestrolemic,hypoglycemic ,an...
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Mukula mudra Our human body is composed of 5 elements like earth, fire, water, air and sky and seven chakaras like mooladhara, svadhishtana, manipura, anahata, visuddha, agna, and sahasrara chakras inside body. A Mudra is a gesture or positioning of the hands intended to direct energy flow and to connect parts of the body to the brain as life force energy flows through the body. . Mukula mudra resembles the bud of a lotus flower so it is called '" Beak hand Mudra ". It is one of the effective mudras among all. This mudra is an effective tool of healing . This Mudra is very simple and effective any body can do it for healing and preventing diseases. Steps to do Mukula mudra Sit in a yoga mate or chair or bed or any other comfortable furniture . join all four finger tips of our both hands to respective Thumb tips Stretch both hands forword without bending at elbows. close your eyes Within a m...
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BOERHAVIA DIFFUSA juice Boerhavia Diffusia This plant juice contains many useful nutrients and phytochemicals like punarnavoside, retenoids, boeravinones, alkaloids vitamin A, B, C, D and E, pottassium, iron, liganas, flavones, 14 amino acids including 7 essential amino acids, plant proteins, sterols etc Punarnavoside is reported to have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibronolytic, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic, anti-cancer, anti-amoebic activity against entamoeba histolytica and anti-microbial property Many research studies shows that intake of this 5 to 10 ml of this plant juice will helps to cure the following: · Kidney disorders · Urinary problems · Respiratory problems · Asthma · ...