Add caption The gall bladder is a hollow and small sac that sits on the right side of the body just under the liver . Main purpose of the gall bladder is to store bile also called gall needed for the digestion of food .The gall bladder is part of the biliary system and serves as a reservoir for bile which produces by the liver . The liver produces bile and then it flows through the hepatic ducts into the gall bladder .It is concentrated by the removal of some water and electrolytes . Before a meal the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear after meals it will be empty and flat like a deflated balloon . In adult gallbladder measures approximately 8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter when fully distended . Bile juice is a greenish brown liquid .Bile juice mainly contains cholesterol ,water ,bile salts and a pigment called bilirubin . Gall stones are harden substances that develop in the gallbladder ...