AZADIRACHTA INDICA ( NEEM TREE ) Azadirachta indica is known as neem tree in English ,Vepa maram in Tamil ,vepu manu in telugu .Neem tree is native to India and Indian subcontinent including Nepal ,Pakistan ,Bangladesh and Srilanka . It is typically growing in tropical and semi tropical regions .It is a fast growing and evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15 to 20 meters . Neem tree is known as " Village pharmacy " because of its medicinal and healing properties .It has been used in Indian alternative system of medicine in Ayurveda ,folk medicines and Unani for more than 4000 years due to its medicinal properties . It is a revered tree in the Indian tradition neem is believed to an embodiment of Shitala ,a folk Goddess ,seen suspended on a branch protecting against small pox . In Tamil Nadu during summer the Mariamman temple festivals is a thousand year old tradition during this festival neem leaves are most important ...