APRICOT FRUIT The sweet ,tasty ,delicious ,small and golden orange apricots are originally from china but arrived in Europe via Armenia .It consists of a single seed surrounded by crunchy ,aromatic ,edible flesh .The seed is enclosed a hard stony shells .Fresh rip apricots have a sweet flavour similar to plums .It can be used as a fresh ,dried ,cooked into pastry , jam ,distilled brandy and liqueur . Scientific name of this apricots are Pruns Armenia .The leading producers of the apricots are Turkey ,USA ,Russia ,France ,Italy ,Spain ,Greece and China .The largest producer of apricot is Turkey . They are rich in health promoting phytochemicals and nutrients . - - They are excellent source of vitamin A , 100 grams of apricots will provide 1926 IU of vitamin A .It is very good for vision . - They are good source of minerals like potassium ,iron ,calcium ,zinc ,manganese ,amino acids ,fatty acids and dietary fiber . - Lutein ,zeaxanthin an...