COLCUS AMBONICS Colcus amonicus is a fleshy , bushy ,perennial ,highly aromatic and medicinal herb is commonly grown as a potted plant in India . Now this medicinal herb is cultivating world wide countries .It is known as in Tamil karpooravalli ,because of it is having the flavour of camphor .In Hindi it is called Ajwain leaves . This has been used for long time in Indian alternative system of medicines like Ayurveda ,Siddha and folk medicines . The fresh leaves juice of karpooravalli is - excellent cure for cough ,cold , sore throats , nasal congestion,wheezing and bronchitis . - It helps to regulate the menstruation and strengthen the uterus . - It helps the absorption of nutrients . - It is used in urticaria and other allergic conditions . - It helps to regenerating the body cells , tissues and promote longevity . - It helps to eliminate toxins from our body and promotes perspiration . - It helps to relieve the gas fo...