Weird shaped fruit with great medicinal uses - THE BUDDHA'S HAND

The Citrus medica var.sarcodactylis is a rare and wonderful yellow colored finger like fruit mainly found in Lower Himalayas and China. It belongs to the Rutaceae family . This fruit is also known as five fingered citron, five fingered mandarin and Buddha's hand . This fruit grows on shrub or small tree, that grows about 6 feet in height with long, irregular branches which has pale green color leaves and white colored flowers. The yellow colored fruit is spilt into a number of sections somewhat resembles like a human hand. It has a thick skin, seedless and juice less little flesh. This fruit is very fragrant and is mainly used for perfumes in clothing in China and Japan. This fruit is given as religious offering in buddha temple. It is cultivated as a fruit crop or as an ornamental tree in home gardens. It grows well in temperate conditions. These fruits are available in the month of November to January. Chinese superstition holds that this Buddha's hand brings ...