The homeopathic medicine, Agnus castus is prepared from the leaves, tender stem and dehydrated berries of the vitex agnus-castus . It is commonly known by other names like chaste tree, chaste berry, etc. through homeopathic method of preparing mother tincture and is diluted to various potency which is used for treating many diseases. Vitex agnus-castus is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and Central Asia. It is an aromatic shrub. It belongs to the family of Lamiaceace . Agnus castus is very effective in treating impotency as well as infertility in men. It offers excellent cure for completely impotent, cold and sagging genitals, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction for men and useful for treating sterility among women. It is helpful for women who have lost their sexual interest. useful for nursing mothers as it will increase the breast milk secretion. used for premenstrual syndrome, menopause period, menstrual disorders, enlarged uteres, va...