Ponnavarai is a medicinal herb having lots of curative properties. Botanical name of this herb is senna occidentalis or cassia occidentalis . It belongs to the family of fabaceace . Cassia occidentalis or senna occidentalis is a perennial shrub that grows in tropical and temperate climates. It is mostly found in rainy season in between the plants, roadsides, waste lands all over TamilNadu in India. This plant grows up to height of 3 feet. Its flowers are yellow in color. Other names of this herb are coffee senna, stinking weed, kasundi, mogdad coffee, etc. Seeds of this shrub are commonly used as an adulterant in coffee. The whole plants, seeds, leaves roots has lot of nutrients like apigenin, amodiene, emodin, quercetin, amino acids, volatile oil, oleic acid, tannin, linoleic acid, minerals like magnesium, calsium, iron, etc. The leaves of this herb is very effective in treating obesity and constipation. Take a hand full of leaves, wash it and the cut into small piec...