What is Zika? Zika virus is a member of virus family Flaviviride and genus Flavivirus . It is transmitted by mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus which are active in the day time. These are the same type of mosquitoes which transmit diseases like dengue, yellow fever and Japanese Encephalitis. The disease caused by Zika virus is known as Zika fever. It can be transmitted from the infected pregnant woman to her fetus. History of Zika In 1950s, it was spread from Africa to other countries. Recently in 2016, Zika virus was spread over Latin America and the Caribbean islands, causing birth defects mainly microcephaly which causes abnormal head sizes in the new born babies of infected mothers. Now, cases of Zika virus are reported in states like Rajasthan. Adverse effects The virus has been linked to thousands of birth defects like microcephaly, wherein the babies are born with smaller heads and brains, other problems like seizures, vision proble...