SJ 21 SJ 21 is the 21st point of the San Jiao or triple burner meridian. It is one of the most powerful and excellent point for relieving ear problems. SJ 21 is also called as Erman or Eargate. Location of this point It is located in the infront of the ear, ear depression anterior to the tragus or supratragic notch in each ear as shown in the figure. (The triangular notch is present in front of the ear is called tragus, and the point SJ 21 is present at the top of this tragus.) Pressing this point will provide cure for hearing problems ear sores pus discharge from the ear swelling of ears toothache stiffness of the lips headache jaw lock neck pain, etc. Directions for use Press this point for 2 to 3 minutes, daily morning and evening to get rid off the above mentioned problems.