Showing posts from February, 2018
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Spleen meridian has 21 acupressure points. Among these points SP 16 point is a very important point for curing abdomen related problems . Location: This point is located in the upper abdomen of our body that is below the rib cage, in line with your right and left earlobe as shown in the figure. Indications: Acidity Ulcer Abdominal cramps Intestinal abnormalities Digestive disorders due to emotional trauma Blood in stool Undigested food in stool Loss of appetite Ribcage pain Hiccups Directions: To relieve from the above listed problems, press this point with your fingers for 1 to 2 minutes daily morning and evening will help to relieve stomach related problems.
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GARCINIA CAMBOGIA Garcinia cambogia is a medium sized tree with dropping branches commonly found in evergreen and semi green forest of south west India .It is popularly known as Malabar tamarind . It is belongs to the family of Clusiaceae .It is mainly grown for its fruits in southeast Asia ,coastal karnataka,kerala,and Africa. Garcinia cambogia leaves are dark green and oval shaped with narrow ended .The tree is tolerant to drought and flowers during summer season ,it ripens during rainy seasons.The fruits are sour and greenish yellow color like small pumpkin .It can be used for cooking for preparing many diseases instead of using normal tamarind. Garcinia combogia contains plant phenols like xanthones ,carcinol powerful antioxidant vitamin C, Hydroxy citric acid,iron,potassium,calcium etc. The other names of Garcinia cambogia are Malabar tamarind ,Garcinia Gummi-Gutta,Kudam puli and it is called brindle berry in Ayurveda.It is often used as an alternati...
தலைமுடி பிரச்சனைக்கு முழுமையான தீர்வு தரும் ஊமத்தங்காய் | Datura Metel
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எனது புத்தகம் விற்பனைக்கு!
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" மூலிகை இலை சமையல்" என்ற என்னுடைய புத்தகத்தை தற்போது online ல் பெறலாம். இந்த புத்தகத்தில் பல மூலிகைகளைப் பற்றிய குறிப்புகளும் அதனை உபயோகப்படுத்தி செய்யும் சமையல் முறை விளக்கங்களும் அடங்கியுள்ளன. விருப்பம் உள்ளவர்கள் இந்த புத்தகத்தை கீழே உள்ள link ஐ click செய்து order செய்யவும் .
எருக்கஞ்செடியின் மருத்துவ பயன்கள் | Calotropis Gigantea
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Homeopathy will give quick and good relief from cough without any side effects. Treatment through homeopathic medicines is very safe despite being cheap. There are different types of coughs which we can treat with homeopathic medicines based on the symptoms and severity of the diseases. Cough can be caused due to a llergies, cold,flu, sinusitis, smoking, bronchitis, pollutants, smoke, asthma,etc. Types of coughs Dry cough, wet cough, tickling cough, spasmodic cough, nocturnal cough, asthmatic cough, allergic cough, barking cough, whooping cough, etc. 12 Homeopathic medicines for cough 1. Aconite-30 will give good relief for acute sudden onset of a cough after exposing dry, cold or chill wind, early time coughs, night time cough accompanied by short breath and agitation. 2. Pulsatilla -30 is the best homeopathic medicine to treat when the patient is having dry cough at night, wakes up again and again for coughing at night, coughing leads to chest...
கல்லீரல் நோய்க்கு அருமருந்து கொழுஞ்சி | Tephrosia Purpurea
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