Neem flowers NEEM FLOWERS Neem flowers are flowers from neem tree.It is having lots of medicinal and curative properties.It is an easily available in freshly and powdered form also .Every body can consume without restrictions. It helps to Improves digestion. Gives good eye sight. Cures skin related problems like rashes,dry skin ,wounds and other skin infections. Used in natural creams, ointments Oil prepared from this flowers are using for massaging im Aromatheraphy. Removes dandruff and scalp itches. Promotes hair growth, Prevents and stop hair fall. Protects liver. Purifies blood . Improves metabolism Prevents metabolic disorders. keeps diabetes away. Good for diabetes and regulates the blood sugar levels. Improves immunity power. Good for allergies because it is having antibacterial property. Prevents black heads, Removes warms in stomach. Good for deworming. We can add this flower in your daily in the form of salads,sou...