LEMON GRASS Lemon grass is a perennial plant with thin , long fibrous leaves and having strong lemon like aroma and taste ,so it is called lemon grass .Cymbopogon or lemon grass is belongs to the family of poaceae ,native to Australia and tropical Asia . There are over 50 spices of lemon grass are available .It is one of the favored herb for preparing herbal tea and also used commonly in preparing food items like ,soups ,salads ,and curries . It is having a lot of therapeutic and medicinal properties . Common names of this plant includes lemon grass ,barbed wire grass ,silky heads ,fever grass and citronella . In India it is called choomana poolu .Lemon grass grows year -rounds in tropical climates with warm temperature .It does not usually produced seeds ,it produce with the portion of the root .It can survive indoor and outdoor environments . It is easily available from in any ethnic stores ,health food stores and super markets .It...