JUJUBE FRUIT The delicious ,small ,red and round fruit has edible skin and sweet flavor .This fruit is also known as Chinese dates .Binomial name of this fruit is ziziphus jujuba .It is a small tree achieving height 5 -10 meters generally along with thorny limbs .The fruit is usually first green in color and as they grow they will turn in purple or even dark red color .It is originated in China .It is a popular medicine in China for thousands of years ,they have been cultivated in China since thousands of years ago .China is the largest producer of this fruit .This fruit contains high levels of glucose and fructose ,vitamin B1 ,vitamin B2 ,vitamin C ,vitamin A ,calcium ,potassium ,full of sapennis ,oleanolic acid ,urolic acid ,flavonoids ,sterols ,antioxidants and small amount of copper ,iron ,and zinc . It is loaded with 18 essential aminoacids .It is an excellent source energy . Many medical researches shows that - jujube fruits extract have the capacit...