JACK FRUIT Sweet ,delicious and highly nutritious jack fruit is having many health benefits .This popular Asian fruit is belongs to the family of moraceae .Scientific name of this fruit is Artocarpus heterophyllus . Common name of this fruit is jack fruit .In Tamil pala pazham ,in malayalam chakka ,kathal in bengali ,panasa in telugu and katahal in hindi .It is cultivated in India 3000 to 6000 years ago .It is widely cultivated in the tropical regions of Indian subcontinent ,Malaysia ,Thailand ,Indonesia and Brazil for its fruits and bark wood .Jack fruit is a huge tree that grows to as high as 30 meters height .Jack fruit outer surface is covered with the blunt thorns like projections which becomes soft as the fruit ripe and inside it is having soft bulbs with seeds .which is yellow in color . It is having a distinct aroma .It has ripening season in Asia of late spring to late summer .Thailand and Vietnam are the major producer of jack fruit .Fresh fruit contains many ...