Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cells or hemoglobin is less than normal level .For men hemoglobin levels of the blood is less than 13.5 grams / 100 ml and women hemoglobin levels are less than 12 grams / 100 ml are considered as a anemic patients .Anemia affects millions of people world wide.Anemia is one of the most prevalent public health problems in most of the developing countries .Anemia is caused by iron deficiency ,B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency.Iron deficiency anemia is a common nutritional deficiency in world wide. It is prevalent among women ,( pregnant and lactating women ),school children ,adolescents and aged people .B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency caused megaloblastic anemia .Hooke warm infection also cause anemia . Symptoms of anemia 1. Tiredness 2. Pale skin 3. Dizziness 4. Depression 5.Head ache 6. Cold hands and feet 7.Short breath 8. Chest pain 9.Weakness 10. rapid heart beat 11...