
Showing posts from August, 2013


 Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cells or hemoglobin is less than normal level .For men hemoglobin levels of the blood is less than 13.5 grams / 100 ml and women  hemoglobin levels are less than 12 grams / 100 ml are considered as a anemic patients .Anemia affects millions of people world wide.Anemia is one of the most prevalent public health problems in most of the developing countries .Anemia is caused by  iron deficiency ,B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency.Iron deficiency anemia is a common nutritional deficiency in  world wide. It is  prevalent among women ,( pregnant and lactating women ),school children ,adolescents and aged people .B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency caused megaloblastic anemia .Hooke warm infection also cause anemia . Symptoms of anemia   1. Tiredness 2. Pale skin 3. Dizziness 4. Depression 5.Head ache 6. Cold hands and feet 7.Short breath 8. Chest pain 9.Weakness 10. rapid heart beat  11...


Tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top of the throat .We have two tonsils .One on the either side at the back of the mouth .Tonsils are made of soft glandular tissue and are part of the immune system .They normally help to filter out the harmful micro organisms and to prevent infection in the body .They also produce antibodies to fight infection .But sometimes the tonsils themselves become infected .Inflammation of the tonsil glands are called tonsillitis .A bacterial or viral infection may cause tonsillitis . Tonsillitis is very common in children .  symptoms of tonsillitis   1. Sore throat 2 . Difficult in swallowing  3 . Headache  4 . Fever   5 . Bad breath  6 . Ear pain 7 . Tenderness of the jaw and throat  8 .Nausea 9 .Vomiting  10 . Abdominal pain 11. Loss of appetite 12 . Cold and cough. Homeopathic remedy   It is a safe and life long remedy for tonsillitis .  Name of the medicine   T...


The sinuses are hollow and air filled spaces in the skull ,that is behind the fore head ,nasal bones ,cheeks and eyes. That are called paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the sinus passages caused by pathogenic microorganism like virus ,bacteria or fungal infection .Any infection of nasal passages that cause it to swell can affect the opening of the sinuses. If the opening is blocked air and mucus secretions collect and cause pressure on the sinus cavity walls .If the nasal passages are swollen extending to the bone of the sinuses ,air can not enter that cavity and a vacuum is created .This causes the mucus membranes to be tugged away from the bones they line and produce pain .Humans have 4 pair of the sinus cavities . 1. Frontal sinus ( in fore head ) 2. Maxillary sinus ( behind cheeks ) 3. Ethmoid  sinus ( between the eyes ) 4. Sphenoid sinus ( deep behind the ethmoids ) The cells of the inner linning of each sinus are mucus secreting cells ,epith...


NILAVEMBU ( CREAT )  Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus that are transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes .The  bite of Aedes mosquitoes during the day time can cause a result dengue  fever .Dengue fever is also known as a break bone fever .The symptoms  of dengue fever such as headache ,fever ,vomiting ,severe joint and muscle pain ,swollen of lymph glands ,rashes in the skin ,bleeding gums ,black stools ,liver enlargement ,restlessness ,lethargic  feeling ,abdominal pain ,low levels of platelets  in the blood .Dengue fever is prevalent throughout the tropical and subtropical areas . Nilavembu is a medicinal herb native to  India and Srilanka capable of curing and preventing dengue fever .Botanical name of this plant is andrographis paniculatais .Popularly known in English, Creat and kariyat .Extremely bitter taste in all parts of the plant.It is also a called king of bitters .It grows to a height of 30 -110 cm in moist and shady places .This plant i...


SPINACH A wonderful ,world healthiest ,edible ,green vegetable spinach is a flowering plant in the family of amaranthaceae. Spinach is an annual plant which grows up to 30 cm height .It may survive over winter in temperate regions .It is native to central and south Western Asia .Binomial name of this plant is spinach oleracea.Now the united states and the Netherlands are among the largest commercial producers of spinach .It is available in the market year around .Spinach has a high nutritive value and rich in phytonutrients.It contains nutrients like potassium ,folic acid  ,iron ,calcium,copper ,selenium ,magnesium ,manganese ,zinc ,omega 3 fatty acids ,niacin ,phosphorous ,dietary fiber ,vitamin A ,vitamin B2 , vitamin B6 ,vitamin C ,vitamin E ,vitamin K,beta carotene phyto nutrients like,luetin ,neoxanthin and violaxathin . - Glycoglycerolipds found in the spinach can help to protect the lining of the digestive tract from the damage.  - It protect against prostate can...


BLACK BERRIES         A wonderful ,delicious,highly nutritious ,dark colored and edible fruits are having a lot of medicinal properties.Black berries are about 2 inches height and 3-4 cm breadth.It looks like a raspberry. Black berries are perennial plant .It grows wild in many parts of the world during the warm months.The small and dark black berries are popular ingredient in pies,tarts,jellies,jams and wine. Mexico is the leading producer of black berries .It composes of juicy pulp with a single seed in it.This fruits contain several nutrients like vitamin B,vitamin C,vitamin K,potassium,iron,calcium,dietary fiber,tannin,water,pectin,phyto chemicals like poly phenols ,flavonoids,anthocyanins,salicylic acid and ellagic acids.A nthocyanins are responsible for their dark color. -It promotes digestive health. -It fight against cancer. -It reduce uric acid levels in the blood and  prevents gout. -It lowers the LDL cholesterol because of its pectin and sol...


Thuthi plant is a shrub, with purple colored tinged stem. The flowers are yellow in color and blooms in the evening. Botanical name of this plant is abutilon indicum . It belongs to malvaccae family Tamil name of this plant is thuthi (துத்தி). English name of this plant is country mallow and flowering maples. This plant is commonly distributed throughout the tropical parts of India. Thuthikkeerai (துத்திக்கீரை) is well kown in tamil home remedy for constipation and it is its primary usage. It is very effective against diseases like piles, haemorrhoids and constipation. It is used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, folk medicine and Tibetian medicine system. The whole plant is used as a natural cure for various diseases. Curry can be made out of it using its fresh green leaves along with green gram dhal, chillies, garlic and ghee. This preparation goes good with taken with boiled rice. Composition: This plant contain several compounds such as phenolics, terpenoids, flavanoid...


                                                                   BLUE BERRIES The highly nutritious and delicious blue berries are perennial flowing plant with indigo colored  berries in the section cyanococcus within the genus vaccinum. Blue berries are native to north america .Now it is cultivated in many countries like south america ,chile ,argentina ,south africa ,uruguwy ,new zealand and australlia.The largest producer of blueberries is the north america . Fresh blue berries are now available throughout the year  on many of the world continents.Blueberry is one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits ,vegetables and spices.Blueberries are small blue to black colored fruits with a green flesh.Blueberries are packed with antioxidant like anthocyanin,flavonoids and phenols ,vitamin ...


The delicious and highly nutritious papaya fruit is packed with a lot of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients. It is widely cultivated tropical fruit tree. The botanical name of this plant is Carica Papaya. Papaya contains soft, easily digestible flesh with a good amount of soluble dietary fiber. This fruit is available in the market throughout the year. Fresh ripe papaya fruit is richest source of vitamin C and excellent source of vitamin A and flavanoids like beta-carotene, luteine, zea-xanthin and crypto-xanthin. These fruits are rich in B-complex vitamin like thiamin(B1), riboflavin(B2), pyridoxin(B6) and folic acid. It also has good amount of potassium. In addition to this, it also has papain and chymopapain. Papaya reduces the risk of cancers like colon, prostate, lung, uterus, etc. It is very low in calories i.e., 100 gms of this fruit has 40 calories. It helps to reduce weight. It improves the body metabolism. It helps to maintain the normal heart rate and b...

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE (sugar destroyer)

Gymnema is a perennial,medicinal and woody climbing shrub native to tropical forest of   India and Africa . The leaves are used to make medicines.Gymnema has a long history of use in India's Ayurvedic system of medicine and homeopathic system of medicine. Another name of this climber is gurmar,vishani,madhunushini. Gurmar in hindi means destroyer of sugar.The plant is stomachic,stimulant,laxative,diuretic and anti diabetic.It possess anti microbial,anti hyper cholesterolemic,hepatoprotetive,anti inflammatory and sweet suppressing activities.The chemical constituents of Gymnema includes gymnema saponins, gymnemic acid, tartratric acid,gurmarin,calcium oxalate ,glucose,stigma sterol,betaine ,insosital,choline.Gymnemic acid form Gymnema sylvestre has antidiabetic properties which reduce the blood sugar considerably. GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE       - It  boost your insulin secretion. -It promotes degeneration of beta cells in the pancrease. - It inhibits t...


1.Gymnemasylvestre or siru kurinjan 2.pippermint  3.henna 4.aswagandha  5.bilva 6.bhumi amla or keelanelli 7.aloevera these aer the some important herbs used in ayurvedic medicine . 1.Gymnemasylvestre  Uses     - diabetes, asthma ,hydrocele. 2. Pippermint  Uses   - pain killer ,digestive problems 3. Henna   Uses   - anti inflammatory ,burning  4. Aswagandha  Uses  - restorative tonic ,nerve disorders ,stress. 5. Bilva  Uses  - constipation ,dysentry ,diarrhoea. 6. Bhumi amla   Uses  - Jaundice ,anemia 7.Aloevera  Uses  - Wound healing ,laxative ,skin burns ,skin care .


APPLE PARSLEY      The thyroid gland is situated  just below the  voice box in the two sides of the neck .Under active of thyroid glands leads to hypothyroidism .Above 40 years most of the people are suffering from hypothyroidism .Especially more women are affected by hypothyroidism . Symptoms of hypothyroidism  - Weight gain                                                                        SALT  -  Fatigue   - Constipation                             - Depression   - Mood swing   - Cold sensitivity   - Irregular menstrual periods  - Brittle hair   - Dry skin   -memory problem        ...


CALENDULA Calendula officinalis is a  natural and attractive flower plant used to make medicine . It is commonly referred to as marigold .This is an annual herb from asteraceae family .Calendula species have been used traditionally as culinary and medicinal herbs . It has been used traditionally for abdominal cramps and constipation.These flower petals are edible .This can be used fresh in salads .Dried flowers are used to color cheese or as a replacement  for saffron.A yellow dye has been extracted  from this  flowers..Calendula extracts have been antiviral ,anti genotoxic and anti inflammatory porperties.Calendula tincture is used to topically for treating acne ,reducing inflammation ,controlling bleeding ,treating wounds ,varicose vein ,inflammation of rectum ,hemorriods  etc  .Calendula oil is still used as an anti - inflammatory,anti tumor agent and a remedy for healing wounds .It contains carotenoids ,flavonoids and essential oil .Calendula oinme...


GARVIOLA FRUIT     The natural ,miraculous ,ever green ,cancer killer graviola tree is found in the rain forest of south and north America.The fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer killer 10,000 times stronger than chemotherophy .This is completely natural and has no side effects.A study published in the journal of natural products following a recent study conducted at catholic university of south korea stated that one chemical present in graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at 10,000 times the commonly used chemotherophy drug .Research shows that with extracts from this graviola fruit is now may be possible to attack cancer safely and effectively with an natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea ,hair loss and weight loss .     --    It protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections .     --    Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment . ...


INSULIN PLANT      Costus igneus is a medicinal plant ,the leaves  of this plant helps to build up insulin in the human body so it is commonly known as insulin plant in India.This plant is cultivated in  India  mostlly for its    medicinal properties ,where as in other parts of the world it is cultivated for ornamental purposes.It gives wonderful and unbeleivable cure for diabetes. It is widely used in  an ayurvedic medicinal system .In ayurvedic treatment diabetic patients are advised to chew down the 2 - 3 fresh leaves of insulin plant  early morning in empty stomach  for a month .There is also dried and ground powder of the leaves now available in the market.    According to international journal of ayurveda research was published a study of this plant ,it helps to reduce the fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels bringing them towards normal  because of the hypoglycemic action can be due to the release ...


                                                                 The delicious and highly FEIJOA FRUIT nutritious Feijoa fruit is also known as pineapple guava ,guavasteen and fig guava.Botanical name  of this fruit is Feijoa Sellowiane.The feijoa was first cultivated in the wilds of southern Brazil in 1815 by German botanist Freidrich sellow .Feijoa is an evergreen ,perinneial  small tree .It produces an attractive red flowers in spring seasons .The fruits are oval shaped and green color with a whitish bloom . The length of this fruit is approximately 20 mm to 80 mm .The fruit has sweet and aromatic flavour .The skin is thin and inedible and encloses with a whitish layer of granullor flesh and contains 20 to 30 very small seeds. Pulp of the fruit is eaten by scooping it out from within the skin .  ...


COCONUT TREE  The natural isotonic, highly nutritious ,most refreshing ,electrolytic and sweet beverage consumed worldwide for its nutritious and health benefits .Tender coconuts are getting from coconut trees .The coconuts palms are grown abundantly along the cost of tropical environment .The scientific name of the tree is cocos nucifera .Coconut tree is called the " Tree of life" for its miraculous healing properties and usefulness. It is one of the most useful  species of plant life known to man.   Tender coconut is the liquid endosperm is the most nutritious and whole some beverage.Tender coconut water is packed with  sugars ,bioactive enzymes ,electrolytes , aminoacids , fatty acids ,vitamins like B complex such as riboflavin ,niacin ,thiamin ,phyridoxine ,and vitamin C antioxidants ,folates ,minerals like potassinum ,calcium ,iron ,mangnese ,megnesium  ,and zinc. It is more nutritious than whole milk .It contains less sodium than any other energy dr...